KDE Question -- Is this specific to Kubuntu?

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Dec 8 01:13:03 UTC 2006

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On 06/12/06, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
>> Nathan Eckenrode wrote:
>> > On Tuesday 05 December 2006 21:22, Robert Tilley wrote:
>> >> When Konqueror displays a web page with multiple paragraphs of text,
>> >> why do small yellow squares sometimes pop onto the screen with single
>> >> letters?
>> > If you press the Control key without any other key you will receive
>> > these popups. If you then use the letter that is in the box, you will
>> > be able to follow that link without using your mouse.
>> >>
>> >> This is a "feature" of Konqueror that means something.  Can anyone
>> >> help me to understand?
>> > These are quite handy for people with disabilities, minimizing mouse
>> > usage, or just plain old handy navigation.
>> Is the time delay configurable? I'm html-savvy enough to have realized,
>> the first time I did it, exactly what it was and it is a very good
>> feature - I just don't need it :-)
> The time delay is configurable. Just decide how much time you want to
> wait, THEN hit the CTRL key :)

Argh!!! Very funny :-)  The problem is that I keep holding the key down too
long.  A nice Windows (<spit!>) feature is that when that happens, it
suspects you may have keyboard difficulties and pops up a message asking if
you want the Accessibility options turned on.  If you tell it not to bother
you again, it won't, otherwise iirc it asks how long it should wait before
doing this sort of thing.  Even MS gets things right sometimes.

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