DMA Problems

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Sat Apr 29 14:08:16 UTC 2006

I'm running Breezy. I'm new to linux having used this only for the last two 
months, before that I was a windows guru. From the settings I've tried I can 
only guess that for some reason the system isn't even parsing hdparm. If 
you'd be able to tell me what I have to do to get it to run or where I should 
even start looking for an answer I'd be much obliged!


> The next thing to verify then is that hdparm is being run at boot time.
>  It has been a year or better since I set this up and I don't remember
> if I had to tell the system to run hdparm or not.
> Also which version are you running?  I have done this with Warty, Hoary,
> and now Breezy, but I have not tried Dapper yet.
> --
> Kelly L. Fulks
> Home Account
> near Huntsville, AL

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