ipod madness

jack wallen jlwallen at monkeypantz.net
Mon Apr 24 19:43:57 UTC 2006

> 1. Consider installing gtkpod: it does not look as good as amarok, but
>    it's totally dedicated to "ipod with linux". Amarok is supposed to
>    use their libgpod library but for some reason the amarok in ubuntu
>    does not depend on it.

i have finally been using only gtkpod to sync my ipod back and forth. i
have discovered one odd issue: since reformatting to vfat i don't seem
to have as much space left. the same amount of music (roughly 2,000
songs) on the apple file system (using itunes) took less than 1/2 of my
20 gig ipod's space. now using vfat the same amount of songs (using
gtkpod) takes over 3/4 of my space. is there something going on with
either the format or gtkpod?
> 2. This is a bit unrelated: you mentioned comming from RH and now using
>    apt-get... Use aptitude and not apt-get. Here is the famous "9
>    reasons to use aptitude" (instead of apt-get) email:
>    http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2004-04/3181.html
thanks for that link. i read it. i'm going to give aptitude a try now. :-D

\||/   jack wallen, jr                  || life's too short for pants
 00    soon to be head artist           || so get your skirt on @
  >    no really, an artist of heads -  || www.monkeypantz.net
 _     okay, okay...cosmetologist.      ||

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