Email Phishing

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sat Apr 1 01:53:16 UTC 2006

On Friday 31 March 2006 01:47, Lord Sauron wrote:
> Hello,
> I normally don't post to this many lists at once, but you all have a
> right to know this.
> Right now I and two others (Jeremiah Bess and ShrimpyGuy) are having
> some problems with someone spoofing off our emails.  If you recieve a
> seemingly random email from any of us that doesn't seem to make sense,
> it may not have actually come from us.

That is one of the reasons for using gpg/pgp signatures on all of your mail.  
Then, if it isn't signed -- with your signature -- it didn't come from you.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

PGP fingerprint: 52A4 B10C AA73 096F A661  92D2 3B65 8EAC ACC5 BA7A
The attachment -- signature.asc -- is my electronic signature; no need for 
Info @

Key for signed PDFs available at
The validation string is TTJY-ZILJ-BJJG.
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