kbuildsycoca running every two/three seconds

Juanma Barranquero jbarranquero at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 14:23:38 UTC 2005


I've recently installed Ubuntu Hoary, and updated it to Kubuntu by
installing kubuntu-desktop.

Now, every time I start KDE (by running a KDE session or just a KDE
program from a Gnome session), kbuildsycoca runs approximately every
two or three seconds, generating copious quantities of warning output
about several programs which apparently use unrecognized MIME types (I
can provide an extract of .xsession-errors if needed).

On Gnome sessions, apparently GDM limits the size of .xsession-errors,
but on KDE sessions the file grows continuously, not to mention the
fact that it is a bit distressing to "hear" the HD being accessed

I can "stop" the problem by rerunning kdeinit, but then kded does not
work right and changing the system settings just hangs.

Is that a known problem, with a fix, or it is my system alone?



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