kmail questions

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Oct 26 19:27:24 UTC 2005

I am thinking of switching from Thunderbird to kmail/kontact.  I keep 
up most of the time anyway so why run an additional email program.  I also
like the spamassassin integration which I could never figure out how to
configure with Thunderbird. Can anyone recommend resources for the 

   1. Thunderbird/enigmail allowed me to import public keys from the
      enigmail interface without leaving Thunderbird.  Is there a way to
      do this using kmail.
   2. While it is nice that I can set up different identities connected
      to different POP accounts, I can't find any way or documentation
      on how to switch identities "on the fly", that is, on an ad hoc
      per message basis.  Is this possible, or do I always have to
      reconfigure the default identity?  (I noticed that I can assign
      identities to folders, but how does this help me when replying to
      messages in the inbox?)
   3. One of the features I like about Thunderbird is the ability to
      compose messages in html and them send them in plain text.
      Thunderbird preserves some paragraph formatting such as lists and
      indents, which is nice.  This doesn't seem supported in kmail.  Is
      there a way to do this?
   4. During the transition, I would like to share mail folders between
      kmail and Thunderbird so that all mail is collected in the same
      place.  That is, I am not talking about importing the mail at this
      time, but rather having both MUAs accessing the same folders.  Is
      this possible?  Is there a good how-to?
   5. I sent this message from Thunderbird because all of my kmail
      messages seem to be stuck in the outbox and send queued doesn't
      seem to do anything.  No error.  No activity. Nothing.




Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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