The Ultimate Linux desktop: (Ubuntu) Gnome with KDE-software installed?

Scott sclewin at
Mon Oct 17 13:58:12 UTC 2005


    I have had a difficult time trying to find much differences between 
Gnome and KDE.  I am still a new Good guy :) (Linux) user and may have 
not had enough time to notice the subtle differences of the two 
desktops; or should I say religions :).  I simply use KDE because I like 
the look of it more than Gnome.  I find myself using programs from both 
worlds (I love Konqueror and the Gimp).

    I do have a question for the people in this debate though.  
Originally when I started using KUbuntu I had both Ubuntu and KUbuntu 
installed and just used the KUbuntu (or KDE) as my default.  I did a 
clean install with the 5.10 and now only did Kubuntu this time.  The 
question is should I also install the Ubuntu desktop, other than the 
option of using Gnome is there any benefit?

Your friend,

"No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something"

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