The Ultimate Linux desktop: (Ubuntu) Gnome with KDE-software installed?

Merv Curley mcurley at
Mon Oct 17 16:29:14 UTC 2005

On Monday 17 October 2005 09:58, Scott wrote:
> Hi,

>     I do have a question for the people in this debate though.
> Originally when I started using KUbuntu I had both Ubuntu and
> KUbuntu installed and just used the KUbuntu (or KDE) as my default.
>  I did a clean install with the 5.10 and now only did Kubuntu this
> time.  The question is should I also install the Ubuntu desktop,
> other than the option of using Gnome is there any benefit?
> --

I would say no.  Basically you need GTK to run most Gnome apps plus a 
few other libraries depending on the app.  The package manager 
'should'  only add necessary programs but that isn't always the case 
in the Debian world.  Just install and use whatever apps you prefer.

Since there doesn't seem to be a suitable genealogy program in the KDE 
stable, I use Gramps but I think it is the only gtk app I have.  The 
Gimp is overkill for me but it is another one that many people have.  
The KDE Window manager will handle most anything.  I have more 
tck/tcl programs than gtk, of course perl and python stuff is in 
there also.

Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont.Can

Linux    Kubuntu 5.0.4
KDE    v. 3.4.2
Kontact  v. 1.1.2

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