The Ultimate Linux desktop: (Ubuntu) Gnome with KDE-software installed? (was: Re: Forums (was Re: Scary upgrade thing))

Simon Rönnqvist simon at
Mon Oct 17 13:10:40 UTC 2005

On Oct 17, 2005, at 15:35, Art Alexion wrote:

> Simon Rönnqvist wrote:
>> Anyways, due to the richer feature set and flexibility KDE might just
>> be the winner... even though it could lend some of the smoothness  
>> from
>> Gnome.
> Things change with time.  I always preferred kde to gnome, but  
> found KDE
> to be more resource hungry.  In the past (on Red Hat), I used KDE  
> when I
> needed it, and Fluxbox when I didn't.  Gnome was always a compromise
> that filled no needs.  It didn't do much more than Fluxbox, while
> devouring far greater resources.   It was slower than Fluxbox and  
> weaker
> than KDE.  When I switched to Ubuntu, I figured I'd stick with  
> gnome for
> speed.  This was a faster machine and Fluxbox wasn't necessary.  But
> then I tried KDE and found that the speed difference of Gnome vs. KDE
> wasn't significant, and KDE met far more of my needs.  This all  
> seems to
> prove that Linux environments improve efficiency as well as features
> over time as contrasted with windows which seems to improve  
> features at
> the expense of efficiency (just throw more hardware at it).

   I kind of figured that when using Gnome and having KDE-stuff  
installed one can anyways get the most out of KDE, because very  
little of the KDE features are outside actual applications such as  
Konqueror. My proposal for the ultimate Linux desktop would actually  
be Gnome with good KDE integration. This is because the Gnome  
interface is much userfrendlier and IMHO. a bit smoother than KDE.  
While Gnome can sometimes be a bit short on functionality, we can  
trust those looking for that functionality to be able to find them  
through the KDE applications. As it is today Ubuntu with KDE  
installed does a very good job at this, and even futher intentional  
integration would make it even cooler. (BTW. If you haven't checked  
out Gnome in Breezy, you definitely should... it's fixed the most  
disturbing shortcomings in Hoary.)

> But as for stability, I never noticed much of a difference between KDE
> vs. Gnome.  Beyond the features an individual might need that one
> environment does better, it is just a matter of vanilla vs. chocolate.
> If you want to see a big difference in terms of non windows interface
> and speed, drop Gnome and KDE and try Fluxbox.

   I've found KDE giving me 'bombmessges' quite often. Especially now  
since the upgrade to Breezy it's been unacceptably unstable and  
sometimes behaved really wierdly. (Such as opened CD:s more than once  
after inserting them. Even when I tried the Kubuntu Live DVD on my  
PowerBook the sound didn't work and I didn't get the network working  
either. The Window menu in Konqueror also seems to be missing, so  
consider this a bugreport. :-) I also had to swich back to GDM since  
KDM started messing up Gnome, starting some kdeinit processes and such.

However, this may of course well be instability in Kubuntu and not  
KDE in general. But at least for now this means that I'll be running  
Ubuntu (Gnome) yet enjoying a bunch of KDE applications in a stable  
and smooth manner. :-)

   cheers, Simon
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