new linux-image: why?

trygvebw trygvebw at
Mon Jun 13 12:14:08 UTC 2005

Standard "Athlon" processors are as far as i know K7s (but K7s are 686s too 
;) but the "Athlon XP" processors are standard Pentium III-compitable 
processors: 686s.


On 6/13/05, Donatas G. <ziogelis77 at> wrote:
> 2005 m. Birželio 13 d., Pirmadienis 04:05, Alexander Antoniades rašė:
> > I'm unclear on this, isn't k7 the 32 bit Athlon family of chips (like
> > his 1800+) and K8 is the AMD 64 family of chips?
> > I was looking for some information on this, but it indeed show that
> > only the very first Athlon is called k7, but the first 64 bit chip is
> > called K8, implying the the previous chips are all one generation.
> > Without getting into some whole source v binary debate, is getting the
> > 686 (which presumably is optimized for a Pentium 2) any better than
> > the plain 386 binary?
> >
> > Thanks for you help,
> >
> > Sander
> Well, good question...
> I updated to 686 binary yesterday... Everything works fine (had to 
> reinstall
> the fglrx binary and also install linux-restricted... package for it to
> work), and I would love to think - also faster :) Though it is just a 
> feel.
> I don't know about the processors, though. KDE in Kcontrol tells me I have 
> a
> 686 processor, though I don't know if I should believe that.
> --
> Donatas Glodenis
> --
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