new linux-image: why?

Christian Mager christian.mager at
Sun Jun 12 15:29:55 UTC 2005

Am Sonntag, 12. Juni 2005 15:51 schrieb Donatas G.:
> After doing „apt-get upgrade“ I got a suggestion I should install a an update 
> package named „linux-image-2.6.10-5-386“
> I guess that is an updated linux kernel, right? I guess it comes from 
> repository, though i am not sure.
> Should I try do do that? I mean, updating the kernel? 
> I did that once before, and: 
> 1. it rewrote my grub boot loader ( I have a dual boot, so I had to manually 
> restore some options)
> 2. my fglrx driver (for ATI video card) stopped working after the upgrade - 
> had to reinstall it. 
> 3. I have raserfs root file system, and the new kernel complained at the start 
> that it cannot find ext3... 
> Apart from that, everything worked fine. 
> Now, why shoud I follow the upgrade? Does it fix some major bug or security 
> hole?
> Another question: I have a system with AMD Athlon 1800+ XP processor. So 
> perhaps I should change my kernel to another one: 
> linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7
> or maybe 
> linux-image-2.6.11-5-k7    ?
> Do I have chances on optimizing and speeding up my system?

hi, perhaps this link can help you:

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