Kicker baloons black-on-black?

James Gray james at
Fri Jun 3 03:16:23 UTC 2005

Hi All,

Quick question.  Since installing the Baghira KDE Theme/Style, the kicker 
balloons have gone to black-on-black which means the text is only visible 
by virtue of the shadow.  It looks awful :(
See it here:

The balloons were kinda cute to start with then became a little distracting, 
but now with this I'd rather just switch them off (is that even possible?).  
Failing that, does anyone know how to fix it?

It seems to be a transparency issue because the ballons "reveal" the same 
way they used to except instead of having a grey background it's now black.  
KDE 3.4 (not 3.4.1) BTW.


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