local mail to my user account.

Joan Tur joantur at cancullet.org
Sat Jul 16 12:21:02 UTC 2005

Es Divendres, 15 de Juliol de 2005 23:11, en Merv Curley va escriure:
| > Your user has to be in the "mail" group  ;);)
| I don't think this is correct since I have never been in a 'mail' group for
| kmail.  I have a lock file in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail and don't recall
| ever setting 'locking' to none; wherever one does that.
I haven't been told by anybody that adding the user to the mail group was the 
solution, but I had a look at the /var/mail directory and noticed that only 
root & users in mail group could write in it, so... simply added my user to 
that group  O8-)

Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
    Jabber: quini2k at jabber.org
       Yahoo & AIM: quini2k
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
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