local mail to my user account.

Merv Curley mcurley at eol.ca
Fri Jul 15 21:11:05 UTC 2005

On Friday 15 July 2005 09:47, Joan Tur wrote:
> Es Divendres, 15 de Juliol de 2005 11:52, en James D Tyler va escriure:
> | I'm using kubuntu. trying to configure my local account in kmail keeps
> | giving me an error that it cannot be locked. How can I specifically set
> | this up for a manual check?
> Your user has to be in the "mail" group  ;)

I don't think this is correct since I have never been in a 'mail' group for 
kmail.  I have a lock file in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail and don't recall 
ever setting 'locking' to none; wherever one does that.

I am no expert in this sort of thing but my lock file has a pid of 1 when I 
quit Kontact and then when kontact restarts it gets a new pid number.   kabc 
has a lock directory created when kontact starts but has no files in the 
directory.  kontact and other modules do not seem to have lock files.  I 
vaguely recall having 'lock file' errors in the past but am unable to recall 
what caused them or fixed them.

So I am absolutely no help but I don't think the first two replies are the 
answer but either may work of course.


Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont.Can

Linux    SuSE 9.2
KDE    v. 3.3.4
KMail  v. 1.7.3

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