Modem port info

Frank Arnold franka at
Tue Jul 12 05:59:56 UTC 2005

Trying to configure Minicom on this old HP Pavilion.
It has both an internal winmodem and an external
56k modem. Have no idea which port the external modem
is on. Tried the following with little result:

franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ setserial
bash: setserial: command not found
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ modemstat
bash: modemstat: command not found
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ statserial
bash: statserial: command not found
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ stty
speed 38400 baud; line = 0;
eol = M-^?; eol2 = M-^?;
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$

Any ideas?
Frank Arnold

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