Modem configuration

Frank Arnold franka at
Tue Jul 12 05:54:27 UTC 2005

Trying to set up Minicom on this old HP Pavilion.
It has an external modem (56k) connected but
I have no idea to which com port.
How can I determine which port?
Tried the following with little result:
The 38400 is probably an internal winmodem
that I do not wish to use.

franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ setserial
bash: setserial: command not found
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ modemstat
bash: modemstat: command not found
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ statserial
bash: statserial: command not found
franka at 192-168-1-101:~$ stty
speed 38400 baud; line = 0;
eol = M-^?; eol2 = M-^?;

Frank Arnold

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