KMyMoney2 0.8.1 - will it be in the backports?

Merv Curley mcurley at
Fri Dec 16 19:44:23 UTC 2005

On Thursday 15 December 2005 18:42, Claudia Ringwald wrote:

> Because I did not want to wait any longer my laptop did spend some
> (little) time today compiling the code. Now 0.8.1 is running ;)
> All the best,
> Claudia

Pardon me for butting in,  I find KMyMoney is a bit too limiting 

Have you tried the commercial prog. Moneydance?  I feel it is worth 
the few $ the author wants.  You can download a trial version and 
give it a spin.  It is a Java app and works in Wind, Mac, Linux and 
other unix variants.


Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont.Can

Linux    Kubuntu 5.1.0
KDE    v. 3.4.3
Kontact  v. 1.1.2

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