KMyMoney2 0.8.1 - will it be in the backports?

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sat Dec 17 15:03:50 UTC 2005

Merv Curley wrote:

>On Thursday 15 December 2005 18:42, Claudia Ringwald wrote:
>>Because I did not want to wait any longer my laptop did spend some
>>(little) time today compiling the code. Now 0.8.1 is running ;)
>>All the best,
>Pardon me for butting in,  I find KMyMoney is a bit too limiting 

Didn't know kmymoney existed before this thread.  Nice interface.  My
needs are simple.  But I haven't found a way to import gnucash data. 
Anyone know how to do this?


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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