Missing Shutdown and Reboot on Kubuntu. Installed from ubuntu.

Troy Williams troywill1 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 16:01:13 UTC 2005

On Tuesday August 16 2005 9:58 am, Craig Matsuura wrote:
> I need to figure out how to restore my Shutdown, reboot options on the
> kde logout.  I only have close session.  The kde setup has reboot and
> shutdown enabled on the sesion manager setup page.  

Are you saying that you are using KDM and you do have 'Offer shutdown options' 
checked in Control Center -> KDE Components -> Session Manager and you are 
still not presented with shutdown and reboot options when you attempt to 'log 

I assume that once you log out of KDE and are back at the KDM 'login' screen 
that you do have shutdown and reboot options (click the icon at the bottom of 
the screen)?

Troy Williams
GPG Key: 1024D/FACE63E3 2005-04-20 Troy Williams (Gmail Account Key) 
<troywill1 at gmail.com>
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