Kubuntu Council Election 2018 voting

Rik Mills rikmills at kubuntu.org
Sun Aug 26 20:29:10 UTC 2018

Hi everyone.

The call for nominations in the election has now closed, and the
following 5 candidates have been nominated:

Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema
Darin Miller
Simon Quigley
Myriam Schweingruber
Valorie Zimmerman

Current Council member Philip Muškovac has decided not to stand again in
this round of elections. I would very much like to thank him everything
he has previously done for our project and the council.

The election Poll is now open, and emails containing voting instructions
and ballot links have now been dispatched to the registered public
launchpad email addresses of all current Kubuntu Members.

Please register your vote by 00:01 UTC Sunday 2nd September.

If for some reason you did not receive an email containing your ballot
URL and you think you should have been sent one, please email me as soon
as possible with your correct email address.

Happy voting


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