Ubiquity does not see Windows Installation and Brightness Problem on LiveCD

Volkan Gezer volkangezer at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 15:16:15 UTC 2013

Hello Herald,

2013/2/10 Harald Sitter <apachelogger at ubuntu.com>

> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Volkan Gezer <volkangezer at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Actually this conversation was made in kubuntu-users mailing list, but
>> since this problem did not happen for Ubuntu, I wanted to move it here. The
>> whole conversation can be found below my message, but I will try to
>> summarize it here.
>> I have Samsung NP300V5A with Windows 7 installed. I wanted to install
>> Kubuntu alongside Windows 7, but noticed that Ubiquity does not see my
>> Windows installation and would like to install itself into my all disk
>> (Please see screenshot here
>> http://s3.postimage.org/yr10wn25t/IMG_20130207_203301.jpg).
>> The suggestion was disabling UEFI in BIOS, but this was already disabled.
>> I also created a partition for Kubuntu (approx. 20gb), but this also did
>> not solve the problem.
>> Today I tried the same thing with Ubuntu and ... It saw my Windows 7
>> installation and asked me if I would like to install it alongide...
> That seems a bit weird. The code for OS detection etc is shared between
> both versions of the installer such that technically the results should be
> the same regardless of which frontend is used (i.e. the only difference is
> really the user interface). Perhaps Dmitrijs has some guess as to what may
> be causing this; CCing him.

I will be waiting for his answer on this topic since I cannot continue
installation before ensuring my data is not going to be lost.

>> --------------------
>> My second problem is the Brightness setting. On liveCD of Kubuntu, the
>> brightness change with functional keys and slider in Power Management
>> widget was not working... Now I tried it with Ubuntu LiveCD and it was
>> working, too.
>> I would like to ask you if these bugs (or missing features) were exist
>> before and will it be solved in 13.04?
> ^ Generally speaking the LiveCD does not provide all features an
> installation would have. In particular we deactivate a couple of
> backgrounds sytems of the KDE SC (KDED modules) that are not necessary on a
> usual livecd session. This allows the livecd to not take ages to start and
> also consume less memory. So the issue may either be because of that or
> because of an actual bug in kde power management system powerdevil. I could
> not possibly say without knowing that the behavior on a native installation
> looks like.
I will also try this after the problem of mine above is solved, but I will
need to wait for it. I also can try 13.04 version after installation.

Thank you,


> HS
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