kubuntu.org -> wiki: - KUbuntu on the Ubuntu wiki - Too many intermediate links, bad website design, Fix would be great. :) ; jor

giovanni_re john_re at fastmail.us
Sun Sep 26 05:20:53 BST 2010

On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 23:06:10 -0400, "Clay Weber" <claydoh at midmaine.com>

> > My belief is that the world would be much better if
> > 1) there was a kubuntu wiki,
> > 2) which was used for whatever any KUbuntu community member wished to
> > use if for, relative to kubuntu.
> Then it becomes just like the current wiki in the long run, in terms of 
> content and cumbersomeness. It already is open to anyone.

Clay, please see my follow-up to my own post where I'd replied to Ofir:
kubuntu.org -> wiki: - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu - Too... Fix
would be great. :) ; jor KUDevel

where I thought my original idea forward a bit more.

"Actually, I think the proper placement is: that on

"Access Free Documentation" &
"Community Help".

And the "KUbuntu wiki" section should link to this page:

> A kubuntu-specific wiki (or wikis even) would definitely be super nice,

My second thought was that it shouldn't be a _separate_ wiki:
There should only be one ubuntu wiki,
and all KUbuntu stuff flow from the 

Things such as:
1) SW documentation, &
2) Community info

> but begs 
> the following:
> Who gets the job of maintaining it, and encouraging others in the
> community to 
> help?

It is a wiki, like wikipedia.
Just like code reuse, there should be 
"social structure reuse",
ie, the Ubuntu/KUbuntu/... wiki community should investigate how to get
community wiki control systems from wikipedia to be implemented in the
Ubuntu wiki community.

> How do we go about setting up 1 or 2 new wikis (ie who do we need to ask
> for 
> this? Would they allow or OK it?)

As above, I think there should be only 1 wiki for the entire ubuntu

> What do we want the layout to be like? 
> This all has to be considered and discussed, a blueprint and a plan put
> into 
> place in the wiki and launchpad, etc.

The beauty of wiki community is that that doesn't need to be known on
day 1.

You merely enable (this might already be the case, I haven't checked)
users to do things like:
1) edit pages,
2) set up accounts if they wish, like on wikipedia, &
3) "watch" (automatically), changes to pages they have an interest in, &
4) allow ubuntu wiki community leaders to do leader (policy, moderation)

Is there no "ubuntu wiki" mailing list?
Searching on this page, it didn't find anything:
There should be, if there isn't one already.
I'd be very surprised/amused if ubuntu has been running their wiki, &
didn't have a mailing list for communication about it.  :)

> Are you willing to lend a hand in this, other than just telling the the 
> Kubuntu community (mostly volunteers)  and the website developer (also 
> volunteer, iirc) more or less how to do their jobs?

Sure, I'd add or edit pages as my time permitted.

Shouldn't be too much extra management duties, because it would be a
part of the ubuntu wiki, not a separate wiki.

> I am willing, but I would need some hand-holding depending on the task or 
> procedure.

> > Ofir, I hope you don't really think that.
> > That implies a horribly low estimation for the new KUbuntu user's
> > intelligence.
> > 
> No it doesn't. wikis get cumbersome and unwieldy and hard to find what
> you 
> want. (Wasn't that one reason for help.ubuntu.com to be separate from the
> main 
> wiki?)
> Take your original experiment, and have your group find something
> specific on 
> any wiki out there - how many clicks does *that* take?

The point of a wiki is:
It is a system to enable people who want to contribute to the wiki to
make their contributions.

How "good" (ex, # of clicks to find something) it ultimately becomes,
is a function of how much interest the kubuntu community has in
contributing, & making improvements, to it.

Just like in the free sw projects.

The point being:
If anyone is dissatisfied with the quality of the wiki,
they are free to improve it, to their heart's desire.

> > Ofir, I hope you really don't think new KUbuntu users are that stupid.
> > I certainly think they are surely intelligent enough to not get confused
> > by a wiki.
> I am confused by them all the time - and not just when editing pages. 
> Confusion is not the same as stupidity, at least I hope so in my case :)
> Clay
> > After all, they are smart enough to be interested in _K_Ubuntu.  :)

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