kubuntu.org -> wiki: - wiki should be for anything, including support - Too many intermediate links, bad website design, Fix would be great. :) ; jor
Ofir Klinger
klinger.ofir at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 02:52:12 BST 2010
First of all, I don't think new users are stupid. However, I do think that
new users need a clear and straight forward guidance.
Lets say a new user wants to try kubuntu for the first time. He enters
kubuntu.org, presses the download button and then what? In my opinion, the
download page should guide him through the entire burning&installation
In general, the website should provide general and first-time use materials
(and other things, of course, like promotional stuff, etc).
The wiki should be a place for more intermediate users.
You are right in that the kubuntu wiki could be expended, but for what?
Anything that has something to do with support should go to
help.ubuntu.com(maybe open
help.kubuntu.org?). First time guidance should go to the website. Hence, the
primery content for the wiki seems to be developer's related.
If you have a more specific idea of what can be added to the wiki, I would
love to ear it.
On 26 Sep 2010 03:11, "giovanni_re" <john_re at fastmail.us> wrote:
> Ofir - thanks for your input. :)
> On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 23:26:33 +0200, "Ofir Klinger"
> <klinger.ofir at gmail.com> said:
>> Hi,
>> In my opinion, the wiki itself shouldn't be used for support and/or help.
>> Instead, http://help.ubuntu.com/ should be used for this purpose.
> My belief is that the world would be much better if
> 1) there was a kubuntu wiki,
> 2) which was used for whatever any KUbuntu community member wished to
> use if for, relative to kubuntu.
> And that is about all the "rules" or "requirements" there should be for
> the wiki,
> other than the standard ubuntu code of conduct.
> Anything else lowers the total value of the kubuntu community.
> Putting in some requirement such as you've suggested,
> "the wiki itself shouldn't be used for support and/or help",
> only dumbs down the KUbuntu community,
> to something below what the maximum potential of what the kubuntu
> community could achieve.
> ==
> Ofir:
> I request you please rethink your position in light of that information,
> & please let us know here on this list if you can see the importance,
> value & truth in those above points.
> Thanks, Ofir, & best wishes to all. :)
>> I don't think the wiki should be linked from the top menu, since it
>> doesn't
>> have a clear purpose.
> Ofir - any wiki has a clear purpose: to be a wiki.
> No wiki needs any "clear purpose" other than to be a wiki, for any
> particular topic, such as, in this case, to be a wiki for the KUbuntu
> community.
>> New users will get confused from
>> the wiki, and I think it is better for them to read the information in
>> the
>> website.
> Ofir, I hope you don't really think that.
> That implies a horribly low estimation for the new KUbuntu user's
> intelligence.
> Ofir, I hope you really don't think new KUbuntu users are that stupid.
> I certainly think they are surely intelligent enough to not get confused
> by a wiki.
> After all, they are smart enough to be interested in _K_Ubuntu. :)
>> Ofir
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