Developer of the week, Take 2

Ryan Kavanagh ryanakca at
Tue Mar 30 01:27:17 BST 2010

Hi all,

Could we have a few more submissions for the "Developer of the moment" on the
Kubuntu website? Roderick has been up there long enough :)

Here's the original request.

Best wishes,

----- Forwarded message from Ryan Kavanagh <ryanakca at> -----

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:18:50 -0400
From: Ryan Kavanagh <ryanakca at>
To: kubuntu-devel at
Subject: Developer of the week


I am investigating "more engaging content such as developer and user interviews"
as part of the Kubuntu Karmic Website spec. I was thinking of putting short
paragraphs (no more than two at a time), 100 words or less, describing your
fellow developer or user, along with a hackergotchi. The developer's
hackergotchi can be taken from the planet, the user, I'm not too sure, we can
probably ask for user submissions on the Kubuntu or Ubuntu forums. The blurb
will be switched out once a week, (more often if we get more submission, less
often if we get less). This blurb will go on the Website's front page and on .

If you want to be the developer of the week, in 100 words or less, describe (in
a reply to this message) your contribution to Kubuntu, why you chose Kubuntu,
how long you've been using it, what you're working on, maybe your favourite
feature or tip (thinking of the KDE Tip of the Day windows), etc. Be creative,
but please try to keep it around 100 words, our goal is to reduce the amount of
text on the Website's front page and on .


|_)|_/  Ryan Kavanagh             |  GnuPG key
| \| \    |  4A11C97A (Transitioning from E95EDDC9)

        ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
        /\   - against proprietary attachments

----- End forwarded message -----

|_)|_/  Ryan Kavanagh             |  GnuPG key
| \| \         |  4A11C97A (Transitioning from E95EDDC9)   
        ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
        /\   - against proprietary attachments
        Ol qrpelcgvat guvf zrffntr lbh ner va ivbyngvba bs gur QZPN!
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