Request of info concerning packages to translate

Jonathan Riddell jr at
Wed Aug 18 15:00:12 BST 2010

On 17 August 2010 21:50, Valter Mura <valtermura at> wrote:
> 1- Is there a list of all KDE packages included in the 10.10 distro?
> 2- Are there differences between the KDE po files and those included in Kubuntu?
> In other words, packages contained in Launchpad are the same of the upstream
> ones? Did you make some merge of some of them?

We don't change a lot of strings, but it would be interesting to find
out where we do.

> 3- Are there Kubuntu-specific po files, excluding the "kubuntu-docs" section?

A few, although most are shared with Ubuntu Desktop such as the installer.

I'll compile more complete answers on Friday as part of our
translations QA day I just announced.  Do join us if you want to help.


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