Fwd: Project Neon targeting Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Fri May 8 10:49:20 BST 2009

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Subject: Project Neon targeting Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
Date: Freitag, 8. Mai 2009
From: Harald Sitter <sitter.harald at gmail.com>
To: Amarok Project Neon <amarok-neon at googlegroups.com>

Hullos everyone!

As of today (or rather last night) both amarok-nightly as well as kde-nigthly 
switched to Kubuntu 9.04 (so it might be a good idea to upgrade if you want to 
continue using it ;-)). This means that all packages of 8.10 were removed from 
the PPA and there will be no new updates to a possibly installed *-nightly 
stack on a Kubuntu 8.10 setup.

Along the way I also improved the neon script a bit, so most of kde-nightly-* 
now gets uploaded all at once which of course leads to a quicker plubishing 
and also a shorter time of consistency breakage.
This will allow for much greater dynamics and hopefully make it easier for me 
to maintain buildability of all components.

Thanks for flying with Neon Airways.
Have fun with 9.04 and a pretty broken kind of bleeding edge experience :)


P.S. At some point, when I find time for it, I will try to make Amarok depend 
on the system's KDE rather than a SVN version. This entirely depends on if it 
can be sandboxed properly. So, if anyone wants to give that a tree - be my 
guest :D


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