Whacky Developer Photos

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 28 23:33:10 GMT 2009

Hey everyone,

I am giving a pretty big talk next week at an open source conference here in 
Chicago. My talk is going to be about Kubuntu this year. Last year I 
introduced everyone there to KDE 4 and actually had to contend with Maddog 
giving a talk at the same time. Seems people were more interested in KDE 4 
though, and even Maddog came in for a quick listen :)

Well this year, I want to have a little fun with my talk so what I would like 
is for you Kubuntu Ninjas to send a picture of yourself, preferably a 
fun/funny one. You know, being silly, being yourself. The sooner I have these 
the better. Just send them to me off-list so we don't flood this super high 
traffic mailing list :p

Thanks all!

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG|  9554 2BCC 3AA2 3898 0939  56E7 3EC9 A39D 2E2C 0124

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