KDE PIM For KDE4 - When is it going to be usable/stable ...

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Thu Feb 28 00:41:26 GMT 2008

As I understand it, the KDE PIM plan is something like:

KDE 4.0 - Use kdepim from KDE3
KDE 4.1 - kdepim ported to QT 4
KDE 4.2 - Integrate kdepim with new data back end

Personally, I'm not anxious to commit my mail store (my most professionally 
important knowledge base) on an initial release with an entire new data 
store.  Is that unreasonable?

From my reading of things we are probably ~18 months (KDE 4.3) from a kdepim 
that's as reliable as what I'm using now with KDE 3.5.  Is that wrong?

From a developer's perspective I can see this makes a lot of sense, I'm just 
not sure when it's going to be ready for serious production use.

Scott K

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