Need guidance - new developer

Arpan Patelia arpanfoross at
Mon Feb 4 17:27:57 GMT 2008

Hello all,

I'm Arpan from India and want to start with KDE/Kubuntu development. 
I've played little with Qt3 and Qt4 in past but did not develop anything 
using it. I was learning by that time so I am aware of most of the 
features provided by Qt4 and believe that I can learn new features 
quickly.  I tried to build KDE4 from source in early Decemeber last year 
but could not so was waiting for KDE 4.0 release. Now it has released 
and I'm using it on my kubuntu gutsy desktop through KDE4 packages that 
you all have worked hard to get them ready, many thanks for that.

I have a question that how can I go on now and start with KDE/Kubuntu 
development? I need guidance to work on this. I know c/c++/c# and 
comfortable with them. I am ready to read documentation and play with 
example codes but I really need to know the path to be followed and 
where to start from.

I am eagerly waiting for a guiding reply.

Thank you all.
Arp at n

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