syntax highlighting of comments

Billy Pollifrone billy at
Sun Oct 14 10:36:05 BST 2007

What would the / do in that sort of file? Would it not be obvious when
looking at the context in which it was used? Also, if the color changes,
then it would give a clue that the | may be a /.

Also, you can try a different font. Some fonts don't have as hard of an
angle when italicized.

Job Noorman wrote:
> hi,
> i think i didn't make myself clear enough. i wasn't talking about the
> default highlighting being set to c/c++, but about the the characters
> that invoke a comment (like // in c/c++). those characters will appear
> in italic as well in gutsy, not only the comment itself, like it was
> in feisty.
> by the way, kate does set the highlighting based on the type of file
> that is opened. the problem for me is that if the invoking character
> for a comment is a pipe ( | ) (like in some assembly languages) the |
> will appear in italic and look like a /.
> i've been looking in kate's settings to change this, but couldn't find anything.
> i really think this should be changed: if the invoking character is a
> |, it should look like a | and not like a /.
> job
> 2007/10/14, Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee at>:
> You can modify the syntax highlighting in kate, depending on what you're
> editing, by going to tools, highlight, and selecting the particular type
> of file that you wish.
> I don't think that defaulting to a C/C++ method of highlighting is a bad
> idea at all - one has to be picked, and it's never going to suit
> everyone.  I don't think it's worth a bug report, as it's an intended
> feature.
> Of course, it may well be nice if it picked up which type of file it
> was, and so set up the highlighting based on that, as vim does, but i
> digress.
> Hobbsee
> Job Noorman wrote:
>>>> i just installed the gutsy rc and noticed that in kate the
>>>> character(s) that invoke a comment (like //) also appear in italic.
>>>> this is ok if // is used for a comment but if the | is used, i find it
>>>> rather annoying because it looks just like a / that way.
>>>> i don't know if this was meant to be this way, but it wasn't like this
>>>> in feisty. should i report a bug about this?
>>>> job
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