syntax highlighting of comments

Job Noorman jobnoorman at
Sun Oct 14 08:15:54 BST 2007


i think i didn't make myself clear enough. i wasn't talking about the
default highlighting being set to c/c++, but about the the characters
that invoke a comment (like // in c/c++). those characters will appear
in italic as well in gutsy, not only the comment itself, like it was
in feisty.
by the way, kate does set the highlighting based on the type of file
that is opened. the problem for me is that if the invoking character
for a comment is a pipe ( | ) (like in some assembly languages) the |
will appear in italic and look like a /.
i've been looking in kate's settings to change this, but couldn't find anything.
i really think this should be changed: if the invoking character is a
|, it should look like a | and not like a /.


2007/10/14, Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> You can modify the syntax highlighting in kate, depending on what you're
> editing, by going to tools, highlight, and selecting the particular type
> of file that you wish.
> I don't think that defaulting to a C/C++ method of highlighting is a bad
> idea at all - one has to be picked, and it's never going to suit
> everyone.  I don't think it's worth a bug report, as it's an intended
> feature.
> Of course, it may well be nice if it picked up which type of file it
> was, and so set up the highlighting based on that, as vim does, but i
> digress.
> Hobbsee
> Job Noorman wrote:
> > i just installed the gutsy rc and noticed that in kate the
> > character(s) that invoke a comment (like //) also appear in italic.
> > this is ok if // is used for a comment but if the | is used, i find it
> > rather annoying because it looks just like a / that way.
> >
> > i don't know if this was meant to be this way, but it wasn't like this
> > in feisty. should i report a bug about this?
> >
> > job
> >
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