No subject

Tue Jul 10 10:02:55 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Dear members of the Kubuntu Community Council:

I would like to vouch on behalf of Corey Cohen (aka coreymon77) as you
consider him for official membership.  While previously working with
the Israeli localization efforts, he has more recently also become
increasingly involved in the LoCo team for Canada (where he currently
resides), and it is through that that I have mostly interacted with
him.  He came to the team with an open mind and schedule, looking for
things that needed to be done, and took another member's advice to
help with the English (Canada) translation work, as visible on
Launchpad.  Additionally, he has been a frequent, helpful user on the
#ubuntu-ca IRC channel, participating in both user support (most
recently a few networking issues), socialization, and voicing opinions
on team events, ideas, and direction.  I understand that he spends
quite a bit of time helping in #kubuntu as well, but as a Gnome and
XFCE user myself I don't have as direct of a connection to this.
While a relatively new member of the team, he shows significant
promise and I look forward to see expanded work on both English and
Hebrew translations, and would be interested to know if he has any
thoughts and goals for how to involve the Jewish Canadian population
in Ubuntu more locally being in that unique position, as well as an
increasing presence around IRC.

Tony Yarusso (aka tonyyarusso)

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Hello Kubuntu Council,<br>my wikipage is here: <a href=3D"https://wiki.kubu=" target=3D"_blank" onclick=3D"return top.js.OpenExtLink(=
window,event,this)"></a> you will find m=
uch more about me there.
<br>Support emails are at the bottom.<br><br>I am a long time linux user, m=
y first linux experience being booting from a boot disk into RedHat8. Since=
 then i have&nbsp; tried many different distros=20
including lycoris, xandros, mandrake, meppis, suse and ubuntu. Ubuntu appea=
led to me, but preferring KDE to Gnome, i waiting until Kubuntu was release=
d. I first began with Kubuntu with the Hoary release and have been with it =
ever since. I frequent the #kubuntu, #ubuntu-il and #ubuntu-ca irc channels=
 helping in whatever i can, however i often excel with wireless problems. I=
 have also done hebrew and english-ca translations on launchpad for kubuntu=
 programs. I love Kubuntu and I think its the best distro. Kubuntu does the=
 perfect job at being user friendly enough so that a new user to linux can =
use it and understand it easily, while not being in your face, and complex =
enough that experienced users love it too. I also love the choice of method=
 of doing things that Kubuntu provides. For everything there is at least on=
e graphical method for people who prefer doing things graphically and many =
command line methods for more experienced users who prefer doing things the=
 old fashioned way. I want to give back to the distro that i have known and=
 loved for so long and i want to do that first by becoming a member. This i=
s why i love Kubuntu. I can be contacted through this email,=20
<a href=3D"mailto:coreymon77 at" target=3D"_blank" onclick=3D"return=
 top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">coreymon77 at</a> or on irc =
on the freenode network by the nickname coreymon77. Thank you very much<br>=

Coreymon77<br><br>Support from other members:<br><div style=3D"direction: l=
tr;"><br>From Terrance Simpson (irc nick: stdin):<br>As to the approval of =
coreymon77 as an Ubuntu member, I&#39;d be happy to<br>vouch for him as a h=
elpful and courteous member of the Ubuntu/Kubuntu
<br>community. I have seen him help a great deal on IRC in #kubuntu with<br=
>subjects like WiFi issues and others.<br><br>Overall a nice member of the =
community and a helpful one too, respectful<br>of the rules and has a good =
<br><br>coreymon77 gets a +1 from me<br></div><div style=3D"direction: ltr;=
"><span><br>Terence Simpson<br>(stdin on freenode)<br><br>From Dure Copelan=
d (irc nick: whop)<br></span>This is a letter concerning coreymon77&#39;s e=
ntrance into the Ubuntu community. The reason
pick coreymon77 for this position is because he was the one who
introduced me to the Ubuntu/Kubuntu distributions. Coreymon was patient
through my months of questions, concerns, and overall nagging behavior
and did not once panic, or go into a frenzy. Coreymon also told me how
to properly use the KDE environment as well as upgrade my distro to the
latest builds efficiently and effectively. He also helped people a lot
in #kubuntu as well as in private if needed.
<br><br>&nbsp;- Colin<br><br>IRC nick: whop<span> <br><br>From Tony Yarusso=
 (irc: tonyyarusso)<br></span>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>Hash: S=
HA1<br><br>Dear members of the Kubuntu Community Council:<br><br>I would li=
ke to vouch on behalf of Corey Cohen (aka coreymon77) as you
<br>consider him for official membership. &nbsp;While previously working wi=
th<br>the Israeli localization efforts, he has more recently also become<br=
>increasingly involved in the LoCo team for Canada (where he currently<br>r=
esides), and it is through that that I have mostly interacted with
<br>him. &nbsp;He came to the team with an open mind and schedule, looking =
for<br>things that needed to be done, and took another member&#39;s advice =
to<br>help with the English (Canada) translation work, as visible on<br>Lau=
nchpad. &nbsp;Additionally, he has been a frequent, helpful user on the
<br>#ubuntu-ca IRC channel, participating in both user support (most<br>rec=
ently a few networking issues), socialization, and voicing opinions<br>on t=
eam events, ideas, and direction. &nbsp;I understand that he spends<br>quit=
e a bit of time helping in #kubuntu as well, but as a Gnome and
<br>XFCE user myself I don&#39;t have as direct of a connection to this.<br=
>While a relatively new member of the team, he shows significant<br>promise=
 and I look forward to see expanded work on both English and<br>Hebrew tran=
slations, and would be interested to know if he has any
<br>thoughts and goals for how to involve the Jewish Canadian population<br=
>in Ubuntu more locally being in that unique position, as well as an<br>inc=
reasing presence around IRC.<br><br>Tony Yarusso (aka tonyyarusso)<br>
<br>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)<br><br>iD8DBQFGxmzZ6iO+5ByUi/QRApHnAK<div=
 style=3D"direction: ltr;">CNBDyyqrDJGfbdFxfBAWU38DHOhQCgkkpc<br>yOFyzfK4pr=
Ql1y7Jm6wyH5Y=3D<br>=3DFMv9<br>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br></div><br><br=


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