Tracking Kubuntu in Launchpadh

Achim Bohnet ach at
Tue Apr 18 16:57:03 BST 2006

On Tuesday 18 April 2006 04:52, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Recently there has been the whole mailing thread on Kubuntu Devel
> and other locations and I was doing some thinking on some other ways that
> Canonical supporting Kubuntu more openly would be to add Kubuntu to the
> distrobution tracking that is done in the launchpad.

IMHO some of the mess started when ubuntu variants were named <X>ubuntu instead
of, e.g., ubuntu + KDE, ubuntu + Gnome, ubuntu + Xfce, etc.  All these
ubuntu variants share lots or most pkgs and can be mixed.

What is IMO missing is either a gnome desktop specific name like gubuntu or
a new name that represents the shared roots (buntu? Argl!) that represents our 
common root and this name should be used as distro(-familie) name in lauchpad.

All long as there is no accepted and used common name for all the buntu ;) distro
flairs it's difficult to really identify with 'ubuntu' 

Only for this reason I'll continue to use kubuntu everywhere, e.g., in server
related stuff wiki pages I write too , which is somehow nonsense because
there's no KDE stuff at all, but from a POV of a Kubuntu supporter using
ubuntu 'feels' simply wrong too.

Despite my ambivalent usage of kubuntu everywhere I would like to see gubuntu
as a synonym ubuntu + Gnome used in docs/wiki/web when it's gnome desktop
specific and ubuntu where it is desktop independent.

IMO we need name for our shared roots than even more diversion.
Think of <X>ubuntu as ubuntu flairs not as different distros, but
for this we miss a common name :(

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