[kubuntu-devel] Tracking Kubuntu in Launchpadh

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 19 00:01:33 BST 2006

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 10:52:59PM -0400, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Recently there has been the whole kubuntu.de mailing thread on Kubuntu Devel
> and other locations and I was doing some thinking on some other ways that
> Canonical supporting Kubuntu more openly would be to add Kubuntu to the
> distrobution tracking that is done in the launchpad.
> For example I was working on trying to find some things and figure out how
> packages and bugs are both tracked and filed in malone and was wondering how
> this was done.  I tried search under distros for Kubuntu and didn't find
> anything.  I did find the easiest, maybe not the best way to search for bugs
> was to start at teh kbuntu team and then click on assigend bugs.  However
> I'm pretty sure I'm missing some that I might be able to help out with.  So
> why is Kubuntu not tracked the same way as Kubuntu?

Launchpad's idea of a distribution is a package archive, since Kubuntu
and ubuntu share the same archive they are only 1 distribution as far
as Launchpad is concerned.  In the future it may get support for
different distros within the same archive (i.e. seeds and the
associated meta-packages).


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