Kubuntu dapper-flight-6+ feedback

Christoph Wiesen chris at deadhand.com
Mon Apr 17 16:23:12 BST 2006

Am Sonntag, 16. April 2006 16:12 schrieb Hervé Fache:
> I think you'll find, but I might be wrong, that Konqueror DOES handle
> resume... when possible. It creates a filename.part file which keeps
> the status of the downloaded file. I believe it used to resume
> downloads from FTP sites for me...

You're absolutely right. Just deinstalled kget to check and it works as you 
describe it. So resuming is not really an issue.
Still I think kget would be a good default option, for it adds some better 
control to your downloads. It's not that big an issue now though.
Thanks for the info ;;


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