Kubuntu dapper-flight-6+ feedback

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Mon Apr 17 15:31:00 BST 2006

Op maandag 17 april 2006 16:27, schreef Christoph Wiesen:
> ---------------------------
> XF86AudioRaiseVolume isn't set
> ---------------------------
> The special keyboard button "Volume Up", that is handled
> as "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" when the appropriate Keyboard layout is selected
> in system settings is not configured. It usually works in a new KDE
> installation (maybe it broke in KDE 3.5, maybe it broke in dapper, not
> sure). Actually the other keys ("Volume Down", "Mute") work fine - it's
> just "Volume Up" that's missing. I'm lookin for the right option, but just
> can't find where to enable it again. Normally an OSD displaying your volume
> changes comes up as well (works vor "Volume Down" and "Mute"), so I assume
> it's set somewhere as a global option.

works for me (TM)

(latest dapper packages)

Q:	What's the difference between a Mac and an Etch-a-Sketch?
A:	You don't have to shake the Mac to clear the screen.
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