Kubuntu on Rosetta

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Wed Apr 12 08:05:17 BST 2006

Donatas G. napisał(a):
> So, could someone clarify how those translations are to be handled? Here
> are a bunch of questions:
> 1. Will all of KDE available on Ubuntu repositories be landed in
> Rosetta, or just the main/install cd part?
> 2. Will programs like kaffeine and amarok, that are released on their
> own schedule and whose translations are handled in KDE repositories, be
> made available on Rosetta?
> 3. Will the translation files of KDE programs like Krusader and
> KMyMoney, that are not in KDE source tree, be made available in Rosetta?
> 4. Should I, upon improving some translation upstream, take care of
> importing it to Rosetta, or will it be done automatically before the
> release?
> 5. What about Rosetta to upstream contributions? Should those be
> performed manually?
> Answers to those questions would clarify the place of Rosetta for me and
> others perhaps.

I fully support that :)


	Krzysztof Lichota (Polish KDE translation coordinator)

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