Fwd: Re: [kubuntu-users] UPDATE: Announcement from www.kubuntu.de

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at iserv.net
Tue Apr 11 16:00:10 BST 2006

On Tuesday 11 April 2006 10:50, jos poortvliet wrote:
> Sorry for top-posting, but at first i wanted to comment on some specific
> things, now i think it's better to not do so.
> I think you are missing the point, as are many other people (disclaimer: i
> do know Andreas, tough i'm not that close).
> The problem is not some specific thing - its a general feeling the
> kubuntu.de dev's have. They feel kubuntu is still really a second-class
> ubuntu citizen when it comes to support from ubuntu/canonical, while
> Canonical STATES it does support Kubuntu fully. This (real or not)
> discrepancy is what created this problem. When someone forgets to add amu's
> account, HE thinks its because the rather let him wait for some time than
> to help him, while that might not be the case. If such things happen more
> often, they add up.
> So this is about subjective feelings, not about some too-late account or
> stuff like that. Its about the percieved support from Canonical, not the
> real support (tough it might very well be the case Canonical supports Gnome
> more than KDE). I'd like to stress that i'm not saying Andreas is
> over-reacting, nor that he is right - i am just trying to get clear what is
> going on.
> Canonical and Andreas and his team should have a real (preferably
> face-to-face) talk about the support from Canonical to Kubuntu. They should
> try to find out WHY exactly Andreas feels Kubuntu does not get the support
> it deserves, and why Canonical thinks it does. I'm totally positive they
> can find some common ground, and see why both disagree. There should be a
> way to solve this without fighting. Canonical can do some things to fix the
> problems, like promoting kubuntu more clearly on the ubuntu.com homepage
> and the 'deriviate' pages like ubuntu.de and making it easier to contribute
> to Kubuntu.

I would at times agree that the percived support of Kubuntu is a little low, 
but maybe that is because there is just not the visible support that you see.

Let me give an example:

The flight wiki pages that were released just before the release of the 
different flights (wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight5, 
wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight6,etc) were done with a specific focus on what 
was coming up with each new release.  In fact mgalvin (the creator of the 
different pages) posted on his blog about this.  One of the facts that was 
not mentioned was that during the last Kubuntu Team meeting we talked about 
getting two people to work on this.  One of them was me, but I did not get a 
chance to tackle this due to involvement in other projects.  Anyways this is 
just an example of that "lack of support."
The problem I have and I think Riddell has (though I don't want to put words 
in his mouth) is the way this has been addressed.  Things posted on 
OSNEWS.com and other sites, did it make it to slashdot I hope not, hurt 


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