Ferenc Sipos frank at sudo.hu
Wed Oct 26 14:34:26 CDT 2005


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my problem to, but I 
decided to give it a shot here before sumbitting a bug "anywhere" else.

I've been using Breezy since the middle of its testing phase and being 
happy with it so far expect one annoying bug/problem(/feature :) .

Whenever I open up Kaffeine, I can play *1* single file happily without 
difficulties, but whenever I hit the "open a new file icon/menu item" it 
crashes on me, and all it gives me is KDE's crash handler which 
backtrace friendly notifies me, that it cannot be any use of help. :/

For the sake of completeness I pasted strace's last couple of lines 
before Kaffeine dies, but I don't see any useful information in it, 
unless the last "Fatal IO error" rings the bell to anyone. After the 
crash is over, I can open it again, and play one more file before it 
closes itself down again.

Any ideas, tricks, suggestions are welcome and appreciated.


Linux zero 2.6.13 #3 Mon Sep 12 23:44:46 CEST 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Breezy AMD64 up-to-date

kaffeine: KXineWidget: Start event loop...
kaffeine: KXineWidget: xine event: channels changed
kaffeine: KXineWidget: xine event: channels changed
kaffeine: KXineWidget: New video frame size: 352x291 - aspect ratio: 1
kaffeine: KXineWidget: Switch to audio channel -1
kaffeine: KaffeinePart: xine is playing
kaffeine: KXineWidget: New video frame size: 352x291 - aspect ratio: 1
kaffeine: KaffeinePart: got new frame size from xine
kaffeine: Kaffeine: new video frame size: 352x291
kaffeine: KaffeinePart: got new frame size from xine
kaffeine: Kaffeine: new video frame size: 352x291
KCrash: Application 'kaffeine' crashing...
kaffeine: Fatal IO error: client killed

PS: Kaffeine is configured to use xine engine as it appears from the 
text above.

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