Jason Straight jason at jeetkunedomaster.net
Mon Oct 24 17:05:02 CDT 2005

On Sunday 23 October 2005 14:14, Laszlo Pandy wrote:
> I was so sick of this automount, so I spent some time trying to figure out
> how to stop it. So I wrote a wiki entry about how to stop it. It is done
> using ivman, and the config file is in XML. So writing a config dialog to
> put in the control centre wouldn't be to hard once you parse the XML.
> My wiki entry is here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IvmanConfigAction.xml

Hehe, yeah. Once I figured out it was ivman it took me about 2 seconds to fix 
for my use, but finding out it was ivman was the part that took me longer 
than I care to admit. I thought it was a new kde feature, so I was looking 
all over KDE for some way to stop it.

Thanks for the wiki though. I was happy enough with just turning off the auto 
open konq with mine. Problem is when I plug in my ext drive konq seems to 
open before the mount is actually complete or something, anyway konq gives an 
error that it can't open the dst.

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