PyKDE, PyQt and SIP up-to-date (and in Hoary)
Stephan Hermann
sh at
Wed Oct 12 08:25:09 CDT 2005
Am Mittwoch, den 12.10.2005, 13:56 +0200 schrieb Paul Boddie:
> On Wednesday 12 October 2005 07:21, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> >
> > Am Mittwoch, den 12.10.2005, 02:26 +0200 schrieb Paul Boddie:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Well, yes this is a patched version of an older snapshot-release of
> > python-kde3, but with a working KConfigSkeleton.
> Are there plans to produce packages of later PyQt releases and PyKDE snapshots
> in the near future? I don't follow PyKDE development that closely, but from
> the package changelog it appears that you used a snapshot from March as the
> basis of the package. Unfortunately, some of the software I use requires
> fixes that are not in that snapshot (or even the last one).
Well, I will produce some new packages during dapper release cycle.
For what I saw from the changelogs (which are not well maintained by
upstream) of pykde, some things are not fixed (the issue mentioned
above), but others are. So I/we have to patch the sources again.
But yes, there will be new packages for Dapper Drake.
> > > I also see that since PyKDE didn't get packaged for Hoary, we aren't
> > > going to see any official release of it at any time in the future:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Depends, please ask the ubuntu-backports team, to backport it
> > officially. Easiest way: subscribe to ubuntu-backports ml, and ask for
> > it or ping jdong on freenode.
> I've subscribed to that mailing list and may pursue the issue there. I imagine
> that backports of Breezy packages should not diverge from the original
> packages in terms of the sources being packaged, or is it acceptable for such
> backports to live their own independent lives after being backported and to
> track the source releases more closely?
Well, you can point jdong to consult me, regarding hoary packages for
python-kde3 and python-qt3. I can sit down with him and backport them.
Backports are done only from breezy -> hoary, dapper -> breezy.
So only packages which are available in a newer release cycle will be
backported to older releases.
> > > So, what's the best way to get up-to-date packages for PyKDE, PyQt and
> > > SIP available for Kubuntu? And what's the best channel to get these
> > > packages out there for Hoary? I'm willing to put in some effort to make
> > > something happen.
> >
> > For dapper we have to prepare some better support for
> > python-qt3/python-kde3 cause now with being in main, there is more work
> > to be done for those packages.
> It's good to see PyKDE getting some focus for future Ubuntu releases. However,
> I'm just trying to find a solution for existing releases so that people can
> use PyKDE-based software more easily. The "more easily" aspect would be best
> achieved through updates via official or semi-official channels, of course.
Honestly, I was against pykde in main, because it's not as good
maintained as PyQT is. Because the maintainer can't earn money with
PyKDE in that way, he can earn money with PyQt (which is ok, in my point
of view).
So, actually the KDE Upstream guys are coming along and taking over the
maintainership of PyKDE from upstream now, or we will have a bad PyKDE
I'm for PyKDE yes, but with the support right now, I don't see PyKDE
becoming a popstar ;)
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