media:/ shows unnecessary media

Rajeev J Sebastian rajeev_jsv at
Sat May 28 00:13:54 CDT 2005

I have a question:

Is it only me ? or is anyone else having to mount via console ?

pmount just isn't working. And there is no bug filed in bugzilla either. This 
is wierd, no one is reporting the inability to mount hard disks wuthin 

Anyway, after waiting for Kari to respond for 2 days, I have made a simple 
script to do the renaming of media nodes with the following features:

1) If the partition has a volume label, it sets that as the label in media:/
2) else if the user has already changed the name to something more appropriate 
in media:/, it sets that as the label in media :/
3) else, it constructs a string "<OS> <device><partitionNumber>" where <OS> is 
currently, "Linux", "Windows" and ".Linux Swap", the <device> is A,B,C,D, 
etc. Volker's suggestion of using "." paid off and swap partitions are 

It works on my machine, only if /etc/defaults/hal is edited and the last line 
commented (the one with --drop-privileges). (This is also necessary if 
fstab-sync/pmount is to be used for mounting, and so now, I am totally 
confused: does kubuntu actually use fstab-sync/pmount ?)

to actually run this, you need to install python2.4, python2.4-dcop and 
python2.4-dbus (those are what I have).

Since I do not have any windows partitions, I cannot verify this works for 
windows (including the volume labels part). So, could someone please check it 
for that ? 

Sometimes, media:/ shows strange behavior: such as right as, now as I type 
this, my media:/ does not show any swap partitions (even if show hidden files 
is enabled and the view refreshed several times).

Rajeev J Sebastian

Rajeev J Sebastian
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