Juju status infinite loop on Raring with EC2

Bruno Girin brunogirin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 16:34:22 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I've been trying to use juju-core on Raring to debug some changes I'm 
doing to a charm. So I started by doing that:

$ juju bootstrap => all OK, I can see the machine being brought up in 
the AWS console
$ juju -v status
2013/04/12 17:25:48 INFO JUJU:juju:status environs/ec2: opening 
environment "amazon"
2013/04/12 17:25:48 INFO JUJU:juju:status environs/ec2: waiting for DNS 
name(s) of state server instances [i-8ac9f7c0]
2013/04/12 17:25:48 INFO JUJU:juju:status state: opening state; mongo 
addresses: ["ec2-46-51-135-136.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:37017"]; 
entity ""
2013/04/12 17:25:48 INFO JUJU:juju:status state: connecting to
2013/04/12 17:25:48 INFO JUJU:juju:status state: connection established
2013/04/12 17:25:49 INFO JUJU:juju:status state: opening state; mongo 
addresses: ["ec2-46-51-135-136.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:37017"]; 
entity ""
2013/04/12 17:25:49 INFO JUJU:juju:status state: connecting to
2013/04/12 17:25:49 INFO JUJU:juju:status state: connection established

And it never comes out of that loop. Any idea what may be wrong with 



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