What You Need to Start Mobile Testing on Sauce

Sauce Labs hello at saucelabs.com
Wed Jul 24 16:00:35 UTC 2013


** Learn Mobile Testing
Mobile Testing!

We’re organizing a two-part mobile testing online workshop series, and you’re invited to join! Jonathan Lipps will lead both sessions, and will help you get you testing your mobile app in no time. Simply register for the sessions you’d like to attend via the links below. Both are free to attend.

** Mobile Testing Basics

In the first session, on Wed. August 18th, 11 AM - noon PDT (find your timezone - http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc?utm_source=Sauce+DB+through+07%2F15%2F13+w%2F+unsubscribes&utm_campaign=19cc049fde-Webinar_Email_01_7_23_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ca42a3b1fc-19cc049fde-307320645) you’ll learn to test native, hybrid, and web apps on Sauce using Appium. We'll go through the basics of what you can do with mobile on Sauce, and Jonathan will demonstrate how to set up your test for each of the three app testing modalities.

** Mobile Testing Advanced

In the second session, Thurs. Sept 19th, 11 AM - noon PDT (find your timezone - http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc?utm_source=Sauce+DB+through+07%2F15%2F13+w%2F+unsubscribes&utm_campaign=19cc049fde-Webinar_Email_01_7_23_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ca42a3b1fc-19cc049fde-307320645) we'll dig deeper into Appium test-writing and explore some more advanced commands. We’ll talk about ways that testing native mobile apps differs from testing web apps, and look at example apps on Sauce.

** Win an iPad Mini!

We're also running a survey from now through August 7 and we'd love to hear from you. When you complete the quick (we promise!) 2-minute survey, you'll be automatically entired to win an iPad Mini. One iPad Mini will be given away for every fully-completed 100 entries received. Fill out the survey here (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/M2YF7HD)!
Sauce Labs
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