Juju 2.0-beta9 ETA

Mark Shuttleworth mark at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 13 06:50:19 UTC 2016

On 12/06/16 22:43, Tim Penhey wrote:
> On 12/06/16 21:00, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
>>  From an upgrade point of view, I would focus on the migration
>> capability, because that provides the cleanest semantics. If we have
>> everything we need there and upgrades happen to work from b9 onwards,
>> then that's great, but please communicate that I will not hesitate to
>> make breaking changes until we are in RC if that's the right thing to do
>> for 2.0. I'll call the RC when I think the experience is crisp - we have
>> made huge strides in the pat weeks in that regard, let's not slow
>> down now.
> Unfortunately, migrations is a piece of work that isn't yet ready. We
> are working on it, but it won't be ready for a number of weeks yet.

In which case please don't focus on an upgrade guarantee for b9, it's
too soon. Let's focus on the pieces we want for 2.0 and minimise the
friction on the way to that goal. We'll call RC when we believe we have
that in hand.


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