Juju 2.0-beta9 ETA

Rick Harding rick.harding at canonical.com
Mon Jun 13 12:58:15 UTC 2016

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 6:32 PM Ian Booth <ian.booth at canonical.com> wrote:

> We are also storing any config specified in clouds.yaml separately. These
> items,
> such as apt-mirror, are shared between models and are used by default if
> not
> specified in a hosted model. But you can override any such items as well
> simply
> by setting them on the model. For now, the semantics of this change are
> transparent - get-model-config will show the accumulation of shared and
> model
> specific settings. But we are looking to add a command to show/set shared
> config. Thus you will be able to say update a http-proxy setting across all
> hosted models within a controller with one command:
> juju set-shared-config http-proxy=foo
> NB command name to be decided.

Ian, can we setup some time to chat on this. I'm curious if, rather than a
command to explicitly "set everywhere" we follow the model that the config
is inherited unless overridden for a specific model. Then by setting it on
the controller all models would get it. If you want it set on a specific
model, you'd set it on the model. In that way there'd not be a third/new
command for setting config.
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