Juju 2.0-beta9 ETA

Mark Shuttleworth mark at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 12 09:00:23 UTC 2016

On the upgrade front, I think we should relax until we are comfortable
calling something an RC. The reality is we are still making changes, I
am concerned that making an upgrade promise too early will just slow
down our ability to make changes we deem necessary before 2.0.

I understand there are some large deployments for which 2.0 (or even a
beta that is upgradeable) would be a significant boon, but I think we
will benefit from agility in the coming weeks if we can focus on doing
what's right for the experience without having to wriggle around
upgrades. Our priority is to make a great impression on all the new
people that will check out the 2.0 release, so let's focus on that. When
we are ready we will call it an RC and make the upgradeability promise.

From an upgrade point of view, I would focus on the migration
capability, because that provides the cleanest semantics. If we have
everything we need there and upgrades happen to work from b9 onwards,
then that's great, but please communicate that I will not hesitate to
make breaking changes until we are in RC if that's the right thing to do
for 2.0. I'll call the RC when I think the experience is crisp - we have
made huge strides in the pat weeks in that regard, let's not slow down now.


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