Juju 2.0-beta9 ETA

Ian Booth ian.booth at canonical.com
Sat Jun 11 22:32:38 UTC 2016

On 12/06/16 02:30, Dean Henrichsmeyer wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Cheryl Jennings <
> cheryl.jennings at canonical.com> wrote:
>> Some of the great things coming in beta9 include:
>> - Separation of controller config vs. model config
> Will this one have user-facing changes or is it internal?

The separation of controller config is internal. Controller config includes:
- ca cert
- api port
- mongo port

These items are not used by Juju models at all but currently show up when you do
a juju get-model-config. In beta 10, this will not be the case. So from that
aspect, it's user facing but it means get-model-config will be a lot more user
friendly since you won't have a wall of text for a cert you don't care about.
There will be a separate get-controller-config command to see those items. They
are typically immutable.

We are also storing any config specified in clouds.yaml separately. These items,
such as apt-mirror, are shared between models and are used by default if not
specified in a hosted model. But you can override any such items as well simply
by setting them on the model. For now, the semantics of this change are
transparent - get-model-config will show the accumulation of shared and model
specific settings. But we are looking to add a command to show/set shared
config. Thus you will be able to say update a http-proxy setting across all
hosted models within a controller with one command:

juju set-shared-config http-proxy=foo

NB command name to be decided.

The other change for beta 10 will be to no longer store in model config
transient settings like bootstrap timeout which are not relevant once a
controller is running. This will also remove clutter from model settings.

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