Need help with monitor resolution Dell Optiplex GX620

David Trask dtrask at
Sun Aug 12 00:26:34 UTC 2012

Ok folks...another one...

I have a bunch of Dell Optiplex GX620's that I want to use in my lab. 
They have one video output with a DVI-VGA dongle.  I am using a DVI to VGA
adapter to connect to my VGA only ACER G185H monitor which has a native
resolution of 1366x768 running at 60 hz matter what I try (I've pasted my entry in lts.conf below...and
I've tried varying options within by commenting things out...etc)  My
xrandr -q output on the thin-client says that VGA1 is active and for modes
up to 1024x768 (which looks silly on a 16.9 monitor of this size)  It also
says DVI1 is disconnected.  I'm running Edubuntu 12.04....and I'd really
like to solve's about the only thing I have left.  Any ideas?

  XRANDR_OUTPUT_1 = "DVI1 --off"
  XRANDR_RATE_0 = 60

David Trask
Technology Director/Teacher
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at
(207) 923-4305

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