Need to disable lock screen for all users (12.04)

David Trask dtrask at
Sun Aug 12 02:30:42 UTC 2012

Another one...

I need to disable the lock screen for all users.  (Edubuntu 12.04)  I
tried the commands on this luck

My server runs "autologin" kiosks in the school library in addition to the
machines in the classrooms and labs.  I can't have the machines blanking
and locking when they are inactive.  It's an elementary school...we're not
really worried about do most of their work in the cloud
anyway....I need the flexibility in this case.  Any help?

I'd like to disable screen locking....and set the screen blanking for a
ridiculously long time, like 3 or 4 hours.

David Trask
Technology Director/Teacher
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at
(207) 923-4305

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